Temp Ban for spectating
Temp Ban for spectating
just like to kmow why i was temp banned just for spectating. Is this a rule now no spectating allowed all i was doing was watching 2 players that were constantly spawn camping and i guess your admin Lady Dane didn't like that and temp banned me. Anyways the 2 spawn campers were Punisher and Sweet Potato just fyi. They were constantly in the spawn with no attempt to take the flag
Re: Temp Ban for spectating
it may have been sweaty potato not sweet potato not sure. something like that but definitely had potato in the gamer tag. i guess the admin didn't have a problem with them running around in the spawn and not taking the flag but had a problem with me spectating
Re: Temp Ban for spectating
We figure this out. Thanks murda
Re: Temp Ban for spectating
1) An admin can't see everything. Fact: She was warning and kicking players who ignored her warnings. Because nobody likes to be ignored. I personally hate it. Not acknowledging someone's presence or questions. Bad.
2) About that. LadyDane asked you about being in spectate. It's all right there in the chatlogs. Everything gets logged. Yes. She asked you to get out of spec. We had a full server and others wanted in too. Someone who's not a clan members (because you're not, you took off your DR tags and unfriended all of us on Steam). So, we don't like someone who's not a clan member to occupy a slot while not gaming on a FULL server. LadyDane asked you s p e c i f i c a l l y about that. You *ignored* her. And don't say you didn't see that. (Btw why spectate spawn campers, you can't warn or kick them so ....?) You ignored her so she kicked you with the reason we're now talking about. You come back in, jump into spectate, still ignoring her. So she kicks you again. You still not acknowledging her. You could have asked....right?? This happens 3 times and then she had enough of it and temp banned you. Which clearly offended you. How dare she. That's a whole 5 minutes right there. So here's my advice in point 3.
3) Put on your big boy pants and wipe your tears. You're talking about being denied 5 MINUTES access to our server. Are you 12 years old or 40 / 50+ like the rest of us? You mention people not following rules. So this is you: did not follow rule 7 *follow admin instructions* oh and btw: did not follow rule 8 *don't be a tool!* Because ignoring someone is being a tool.
LadyDane is a respected and long time member and she took a decision which I fully understand. Is it a rule to kick or tempban players in spectate? Absolutely not. In this case: yes, it was a decision based on the facts that the server was full and others wanted in, you ignoring her question, and she being busy getting other people to mind the rules. 1 Admin can't see everything. We play the game for fun. Not to police everyone around. If we do see people breaking rules then we address that but we're not gonna hang out in spectate all game long. When people intentionally start breaking the rules then we can take it a step further.
This is our server, we pay for it and we put a lot of time in it, more than one might think (you're welcome) so just enjoy the game, follow admin instructions and don't be a tool, AS PER SERVER RULES (7 & 8.)
NOW... Write us an essay about courtesy. Post here before Monday.
And apologize to the lady.
Thank you.
2) About that. LadyDane asked you about being in spectate. It's all right there in the chatlogs. Everything gets logged. Yes. She asked you to get out of spec. We had a full server and others wanted in too. Someone who's not a clan members (because you're not, you took off your DR tags and unfriended all of us on Steam). So, we don't like someone who's not a clan member to occupy a slot while not gaming on a FULL server. LadyDane asked you s p e c i f i c a l l y about that. You *ignored* her. And don't say you didn't see that. (Btw why spectate spawn campers, you can't warn or kick them so ....?) You ignored her so she kicked you with the reason we're now talking about. You come back in, jump into spectate, still ignoring her. So she kicks you again. You still not acknowledging her. You could have asked....right?? This happens 3 times and then she had enough of it and temp banned you. Which clearly offended you. How dare she. That's a whole 5 minutes right there. So here's my advice in point 3.
3) Put on your big boy pants and wipe your tears. You're talking about being denied 5 MINUTES access to our server. Are you 12 years old or 40 / 50+ like the rest of us? You mention people not following rules. So this is you: did not follow rule 7 *follow admin instructions* oh and btw: did not follow rule 8 *don't be a tool!* Because ignoring someone is being a tool.
LadyDane is a respected and long time member and she took a decision which I fully understand. Is it a rule to kick or tempban players in spectate? Absolutely not. In this case: yes, it was a decision based on the facts that the server was full and others wanted in, you ignoring her question, and she being busy getting other people to mind the rules. 1 Admin can't see everything. We play the game for fun. Not to police everyone around. If we do see people breaking rules then we address that but we're not gonna hang out in spectate all game long. When people intentionally start breaking the rules then we can take it a step further.
This is our server, we pay for it and we put a lot of time in it, more than one might think (you're welcome) so just enjoy the game, follow admin instructions and don't be a tool, AS PER SERVER RULES (7 & 8.)
NOW... Write us an essay about courtesy. Post here before Monday.

Thank you.
Re: Temp Ban for spectating
murda (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE')))(!empty($user->lang['COLON'])) ? $user->lang['COLON'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'COLON')))just like to kmow why i was temp banned just for spectating. Is this a rule now no spectating allowed all i was doing was watching 2 players that were constantly spawn camping and i guess your admin Lady Dane didn't like that and temp banned me. Anyways the 2 spawn campers were Punisher and Sweet Potato just fyi. They were constantly in the spawn with no attempt to take the flag
Murda , if you where spec some for that, then you would have seen my message,and at least tell me instead ignoring .Im not an admin who kick or ban for nothing, but i really hate being ignored.
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