Our fearless leader,

To the fossil who first fired up Black Ops and said 'Forget bingo, let's blastraze some noobs!' - today we salute you, wise old warlord. Your vision to unite graying gamers from near and far has kept our trigger fingers spry and our trash talk saucy for 8 glorious years.
So crack open a Geritol, punch some drywall in celebration, and get ready to have your vintage ears shattered by our awkwardly-timed 'happy birthday' screeches on TeamSpeak this Sunday. The nursing home admins won't know what hit 'em!
Whether you're 49 or 92 (we literally can't tell anymore), we don't care - just know that your creaky clan has your back, you gloriously grizzled man-gina. Let's goon it up again soon on Black Ops! Woot woot!