(TL;DR? Scroll to end of post for method 2; the easiest and recommended method.) <- added Jan. 29, 2021
If you reinstall your pc, your drive borks out and loses all data, or you want to copy your profile to another PC or you name it... you lose your settings. Reinstalling Teamspeak is just the beginning. After that you're gonna have to ask Reaper or one of the admins to give you the =DR= tags again plus your permissions. Although most admins and mod can do some of this, Reaper is king, emperor and pope of our little TS server and only he can fix all permission problems.

Method 1:
Open Teamspeak - go to Tools - Identities - right click on Default and click export. Save the file on a location other than your system drive (not partition, but drive). It'll show you a warning not to share the file (!). Not sure? Save it on an external disk.
Here's the visual representation.
Importing your profile into a blank Teamspeak is pretty much the same. Just use import and point to the stored settings file.
Added September 2018:
Make a myTeamspeak account, enter the credentials into your TS client and voilá. Every time you (re)install TS and use myTeamspeak, all your settings are back.
See you all later!